Fried's Cat Shelter

Help Fried's

We are now open Fridays 2 pm to 6 pm
Saturdays & Sundays 12 pm to 4 pm
Building Fund Update!
Fried's Cat Shelter has been blessed with an incredible opportunity! When we raise another $100,000.00 for the building fund, an amazing individual has offered to match it. Let's double our impact for the kitties in need!
To donate from this page, scan the QRC code above and notate it for the building fund. You can still mail, phone, or walk in all donations. Watch for Zelle as a new opportunity to donate.
Be a Fried's Cat Shelter volunteer! Here are our biggest needs
Please be aware and understand that while we would love to help every single cat in need, our shelter is packed to the max with cats right now, and we are operating on an approximately 6 month waiting period.
If you are coughing or sneezing, please, for the safety of staff and other customers, stay home and get better before coming to the shelter.
Fried's Cat Shelter was founded by Hans and Lucille Fried in 1977. The Frieds came to the United States in 1939 from Nazi Germany. In the late 1970s, they sold their home in Beverly Shores, Indiana, to buy an old roadside motel in Michigan City, Indiana. They turned the motel into a no-kill, cageless shelter for homeless and abandoned felines.
The Frieds did not believe in euthanization to solve the cat overpopulation problem. Hans became known for his favorite saying: "To save a life is more in conformity with God's law than to kill"
Hans and Lucille felt that spaying and neutering would correct the problem and be a more humane solution. Their dream was to create a safe haven for all felines who needed it.
The Frieds passed away in the early 1990s, but our Board of Directors continues to carry out their legacy. Fried's Cat Shelter is still a no-kill, cageless sanctuary that thoroughly believes in spaying and neutering as the most effective method of controlling the feline population.
Today our shelter consists of two buildings and houses over five hundred cats. The main building is home to the largest population of cats and also houses the offices and TNR clinic. The second smaller building is home to our cats with special medical needs, such as those with FIV, feline Leukemia, and FIP.
All of the cats here at Fried's Cat Shelter are guaranteed a home for life and are cared for by our professional staff and wonderful volunteers.
Monetary Donations
Donations of cat food, litter, cleaning supplies, paper towels, paper plates, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. Here is our one stop wish list. It covers Amazon, Chewy, Wal-Mart etc - Fried's Cat Shelter Wish List
You can become a shelter volunteer
Adopt a less fortunate feline
Ask your employer whether or not they have a "matching gift program". Your donation can actually be doubled in this situation
A willed benevolence can help Fried's.
Mailing List Privacy
If you would like to be put on our mailing list, click here and fill out the form with your name and address.
Fried's Cat Shelter, under no circumstances, will rent, sell or otherwise publicize our mailing list. All names and addresses are kept strictly confidential. Fried's Cat Shelter does not collect any other information about our donors.
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